D Deck 音乐巡礼

全港最大临海露天美食热点 D'Deck自从於去年为宾客呈献「D'Deck音乐巡礼」系列1以来,这个活动已经成为愉景湾以至全港最受欢迎的每月音乐盛事之一!在未来数月,「D'Deck音乐巡礼」将继续为您带来才华横溢的表演嘉宾丶轻松悠扬的爵士乐曲和滋味无穷的佳肴美馔!
在每个月的第一个星期六及日晚上7时至9时,音乐爱好者尤其是爵士乐迷都蜂拥到D'Deck的海滨长廊,欣赏醉人的音乐。在未来数月,以下的着名本地乐队将在D'Deck为宾客现场演奏拉丁爵士乐丶巴西爵士乐和其他爵士乐章,包括swing丶soul丶funk丶blues及smooth grooves等,让宾客度过一个难忘的晚上:
别忘记在D'Deck 13间指定餐厅3任何一间消费满港币100元或以上,即可免费享用由愉景湾往中环即日渡轮服务一程。请带同发票到愉景广场上Pacific Coffee旁的「D'Deck免费渡轮服务台」办理手续!
想知道更多关於「D'Deck 音乐巡礼」及免费渡轮优惠的资讯,请浏览www.ddeck.com.hk丶电邮至inquiry@ddeck.com.hk或致电 3651-2345查询。
座落於愉景湾码头旁的临海露天美食区D'Deck,拥有无可比拟的空间感丶180°海景及每晚迪士尼烟花美景,视觉与味觉同样讲究!D'Deck汇聚约20间各国特色餐厅,揉合了中西方的饮食精髓,与愉景湾独有之国际社区及多元文化互相辉映。各国特色餐厅包括代表亚洲风味的:韩一馆 (韩国)丶和膳一风 (日本)及Koh Tomyums (泰国);代表欧洲情怀的:Café Duvet (Tapas及甜点)及McSorley’s Ale House (爱尔兰酒吧/印度菜);代表中南美洲风情的:Caramba Mexican Cantina (墨西哥)及 Hemingway’s by the Bay (加勒比海)。当然不可不介绍美洲代表:Moorings (美国东岸菜)。
其他特色餐厅包括富法国小店风情的22˚ North;标榜健康新鲜菜式的Wildfire Fresh以及揉合书店和咖啡室文化闲情的Dymocks & Gallery Café;还有提供国际菜式的ZAKS,其露天座位达5,000平方呎,布局设计充满度假风情。
1「D'Deck 音乐巡礼」系列於每月第一个星期六及日的晚上7时至9时在D Deck的海滨长廊上举行,由来自愉景湾及香港其他地区的本地流行乐队为您作现场表演。
3 13间指定餐厅包括:22˚ North丶Café Duvet丶Caramba Mexican Cantina丶Ebeneezer’s丶韩一馆丶Hemingway’s by the Bay丶和膳一风丶Koh Tomyums丶McSorley’s Ale House丶Moorings丶Sopranos丶Wildfire Fresh及ZAKS。
表演乐队介绍 (只有英文)
Jazzus was formed by Rikky Aranas in 2007. Rikky is a bassist, guitarist and composer, and is one of the best-known and respected session musicians in Hong Kong, having performed professionally for over 20 years. He was celebrated by the original Hong Kong Jazz Club as being one of the funkiest bass players on the Hong Kong jazz scene, with clear influences in his sound from legendary bassists such as Jaco Pastorius, Stanley Clarke and Marcus Miller. Jazzus performs mainly for private functions and plays music in a range of jazz styles including swing, soul, funk and smooth grooves.
DC Quartet
This band performs instrumentals and vocals, mainly jazz standards with their own arrangements, but also other styles such as Latin jazz, smooth jazz, blues, straight ahead jazz, pop jazz and originals. The DC Quartet plays for special events and in some of the best clubs in Hong Kong, China and Macau. All members also tour internationally with celebrity acts and have more than 20 years’ experience in the music industry. The band members are:
Jim Schneider – Sax & keyboards
Paul Candelaria – Bass & vocals
Jezrael Lucero – Piano, bass & vocals
Dulip Charith – Drums & vocals
This band plays Latin and Brazilian jazz including bossanova, samba, salsa and other Brazilian rhythms. The Brazilian influence comes from the pianist and the vocalist who are from Brazil. The songs are breezy and have a jazzy edge to them. The other two members are Sri Lankan – hence the name 'Brasril'. The band was formed in Hong Kong. All members have played internationally with different bands around the world. The band performs mostly for events. The band members are:
João Mascarenhas – Keyboards
Lidi Satier – Vocals
Dulip Charith – Drums
Farhad Jowharsha – Percussion
This band plays mainly smooth jazz, R&B, funk jazz, blues & originals – “easy listening” with a laid-back vibe, both instrumentals and vocals. Everyone in the band brings influences from different musical backgrounds with experience in Hong Kong, Singapore, China & Sri Lanka, giving the band a unique sound. The Sri Lankan singer in particular has proven to be a big hit with audiences in Hong Kong. The band members are:
Dylan Lye - Bass & vocals
Balu – Guitar & vocals
Adonis – Keyboards
Umara – Vocals